Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ambo this weekend

Leaving Friday afternoon for a weekend out of Addis. We are going to Ambo is where the superb fizzy water is bottled that I have been consuming steadily since my arrival here last August. In the scheme of things, this is a big town. In 1994 it had over 27,000 people so it has to be much larger today. It has a cosmopolitan university offering study in computer science and veterinary science amongst others. There is a lake very close to the town where we will go hiking at least once. The weekend is designed to be R&R, suggested by yours truly for my last weekend here before a trip back to Canada.

I have been seeing a lot of Bill W. from DC who has been here for a few weeks. He is leaving next Wednesday, spending a few days in Rome, then heading back home. I would love to cross paths with him again. I will be dragging him to Naklah before he goes.

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