Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

I made plans to get a massage to assist the healing of my hip from the horse fall. It is better, but I hope by seeing someone, that process can be accelerated. Paddy Mallia, a seasoned equestrian, has been nice enough to offer some guidance about my future endeavours on the back of a similar 4-legged beast. Paddy and his brither Sean are quite the well-rounded and talented young men, having ice hockey, fencing, horseback riding ... they are too many to mention ... as part of their expertise. I just hope I can get as diverse as these 2 young people by the time I reach 90 :).

I am off to Boston spa at 9AM and hope the intervention I get there will help. I was supposed to go yesterday at 5:30PM but did not leave work until 5:10. If anyone claims the traffic in Ottawa is worse when it rains, you should see it here. At least in Ottawa there are controlled intersections instead of the free-for-all they are here. The mantra here is "Do not concede even a centimetre to another car and be delayed 10 seconds for the sake of reducing the congestion at intersections"; another familiar adage to describe them is "Me first".

Tonight there is a farewell dinner for Bill W. who is heading back to DC after stopping in Rome for a few days. He is a good soul and I hope we keep crossing paths. My Borgie (aka Jordan) informed me that he had found work recently. I have not heard anything since the news, so Mr. Borge, que passe with the new job?

I am close to packed for the trip home save my guitar and clothes I will need between now and then. My carry-on is the guitar and computers so I need to check an extra bag which will run me probably $250 USD. I may also be overweight on my blue bag. I still owe TDS 251 birr for my accommodations, having given them close to all I owe in deposits all along. I bought some treats for my "little ones" and will be getting myself a onesie before I leave. I am giving Hiruy my ZTE CDMA modem with about 150 birr on it. I am giving Melaku my EVDO card with the understanding that he return it to Dr. Pauk when the time on it runs out. I had lunch with Hiruy yesterday and he is picking me up 2 Teddi Afro CD's to take home with me.

If I want I have been invited to a buffet dinner at Bole 19 tennis Friday evening. Hiruy told me I could bring a date, so I told him I would bring Melaku :). I made arrangements to do some group tennis lessons at TCWO when I return to Canada.

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