Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Working from home due to holiday

Got "permission" to stay and work at Deker today. I went for a quick breakfast at Dr. Paul's. I stopped at Bilo's on the way to get 6 croissants and 6 chocolate croissants. By the time I opened the box, I found 6 of the former and none of the latter :). They gave me 8 fasting pizzas instead of the latter. This pizza is made with no forbidden food when habesha is fasting and also has some hot pepper fragments on it. We had a combo of ham and onions heated up inside the sliced croissants as well as Dr. P's world famous pancakes. I was back at Deker and working when email arrived from Tagel that chewed up some ticks getting something back to him.

It is a bright sunny (as ST likes) day in Addis, the mercury around 22 celsius. I am working my way through the Beatles songbook this afternoon, trying on a few new ditties I have not done previously. I have sort of landed some work in the background that I can do in the evenings and on the W/E for a company in Toronto that Ian A. turned me on to. I use one of three mechanisms to remote control my PC at home and do the VPN connection from there. The house that was being ripped apart behind Deker is now getting its walls rebuilt using cinder blocks and lots and lots of elbow grease. I just hope the new edifice structures does not go up so high as to block the wonderful sunset I can view on my balcony.

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