Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another day, another ...

Got MoFED to sign off on another deliverable today. I went on another huge walk after work, and again worked up quite a sweat. I think my Sweet Thing would be proud but I know she would leave me in her wake if we walked together. I stopped at Novis supermarket and picked up some lunch meat. The guy at the deli counter exclaimed "Yesterday Man U and today Arsenal?" I told him I did not really have a favourite Barclay's premier club, but did like the shirts, and ferenge loves the price. They are also very quick-dry.

Then I'm leaving Novis and the same 2 guys are there asking for money in wheelchairs and they both announce the same as the deli clerk :) It was a lovely day again today and the foot feels great. The only thing I do not enjoy about walking here is the manners of the drivers. The vehicle certainly is mighty in Ethiopia. Also, the traffic laws changed January 1 (I think it was then) ... now if you knock down a pedestrian with your car it's a mandatory 15 year prison sentence ... bada bing ... done. Also, I have been led to believe that under some circumstances and for certain types of automobile accidents, you need to post a 100,000 birr "bond" to the local police force. This is probably to ensure that the accident gets dealt with by both parties properly and as quickly as possible.

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