Thursday, February 25, 2010

You just cannot win ...

I have probably spent 8-10 hours at my guest house over the past few days trying to concoct some mechanism to get to a VPN connection in Toronto. There is a company there who wants me to do some work on the side for them, hence the VPN connection. I have tried just about every flavour of remote control software, all reported to be turnkey solutions requiring little or no set up. A likely story; Ben has been assisting and even he is stumped.

This is yet another example of how frustrating the infrastructure is here and there appears to be nothing anyone can do about it. It has been a quiet week on the social front and tomorrow ia a national holiday here. The MoFED offices are closed but I need to come to the office if I want to bill. Ileana is coming in for a bit too so it will probably just be the 2 of us.

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