Thursday, February 4, 2010

System documentation

Ploughing away at work on the documentation prepared by Dulcian for the IBEX2 system. There is a lot of it to look at and will keep me busy most of this week. I probably have not adjusted yet to the time change since I was up at 4AM and could not go back to sleep. The Blackberry's I brought back fro Melaku and Dereje are a big hit. I saw the guys from Bilo's today and last night and there were lots of hugs and shoulder dips as we were glad to see each other. Had a nice short visit with Tagel yesterday and he is now out of the office for 2 days, the balance of the week.

I formulated the list of things I forgot in Ottawa ... my vest, the pillows for the CPAP machine mask, and the hard copy of my existing contract. I will get Dulcian's address in New Jersey and get my lovely ST to DHL there since Dr. Paul is going to the US about the 12th and returning the 19th or so.

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1 comment:

Shauna said...

Mikowabby: I'm home sick today. So I did your puzzles. I love you too & may tell Sean the same. And I can't believe the Sens winning streak ended with the Leafs!