Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Too many PC's

To say I had an interesting time at customs coming into Ethiopia would be an understatement. They scanned my luggage on the way out of the airport and noticed that I had 2 computers. I brought 2 computers in when first coming here in August and that was not an issue. They wanted 1300 birr taxes since computer #2 exceeded my tax-freee allowance. It took about 90 minutes to sort out the mess and I had to leave it at the airport. I may be able to get a letter from Dr. Paul stating that the Dell is for RSU use and then get it without having to oay the taxes.

The flight from Istanbul to Addis was 5 hours, a mere joke compared to the 10 hour jobbie from Toronto to Turkey. I encountered one of the worst things you ever want to run into on a plane ... a huge ferenge who overflowed her seat well into mine. Once we were in the air, I moved to row 28 and had the 3 seats to myself. That was a huge improvement to the exit row where i had to sit in some sort of weird position to avoid rubbing up against ferenge-a-huge. There were no TVs in the seat backs on the last leg of my trip. I probably slept too much on the plane as I did not fall asleep at the guest house until close to 4AM. When I got to Deker I had to call Ato Taye to get someone to let me in. I don't know how, but I seem to have 2 times as many electronic gadgets with me now than I did when I left.

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